Nashville, Tennessee

Carol's sister, Lynn, turned 40 years old in September 2007. She wanted to celebrate in style by going to Nashville and hitting the clubs there. Five of us went and had a great time. We hit some of the famous places such as the Wild Horse Saloon and Tootsie's.


Donna, Julie, Lynn & Carol. Notice that the columns by the

door are necks and headstock of a guitar.

Donna, Julie, Lynn & Carol in front of the

Wild Horse Saloon.

Julie, Lynn, Carol & Donna in front of Blackstone

Restaurant & Brewery. We ate there after

we got settled into the hotel. The beer was quite good.

Julie, Lynn, Donna & Sarah by a statue of Elvis.

Broadway street. No, that's not a UFO landing

behind the buildings. That's part of the Gaylord

Entertainment Center.

Donna, Carol, Lynn & Julie in front of Tootsie's. This

place was packed when we went in. And I mean packed like sardines. We only went in for a few minutes.

One of the many painted guitars located

around the city.

Lynn, Donna, Carol & Julie in Printer's Alley

The birthday girl wearing a cute cowboy hat that is

a gift for little Jordan.

Julie made this collage for Lynn. It was really great.

Lynn, Donna, Sarah & Julie at the Hard Rock Cafe

Lynn, Carol, Sarah, Julie & Donna at the

Wild Horse Saloon

We listened to a band play while at the Wild Horse Saloon. When the band took a break the lead singer came to our table and said hello. He sat down and asked us questions. We told him we were there celebrating Lynn's birthday so he sang happy birthday at the table. Then when the band got back on stage, he sang for her again with the band playing. Unfortunately it was too dark in there to see the video of the guy singing but it was a modified version of Happy Birthday.

Sarah in her cowgirl outfit ready for a

night on the town

Interesting mailboxes in the city

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